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Clea Primary School, Keady


21st Jun 2024
Our Reception-P4 children have had the best day in GR8 today. Bowling, Lego clubs,...
21st Jun 2024
Our Primary 7 pupils had a wonderful final trip today, enjoying a fun-filled day...
13th Jun 2024
Our P6/7 boys and girls were delighted to give our new school sports kit a run out...
13th Jun 2024
The first of our summer trips was a great success today. The P5-7 children had a...
8th Jun 2024
What a day in Clea Primary yesterday! All of our boys and girls had a fun-filled...
7th Jun 2024
We welcomed some of our new entrants this morning. They all loved their stay and...
26th May 2024
Local Photographer Gillian Murphy  (Gillian Murphy Photography) visited...
18th May 2024
P5/6 are in the middle of their investigation into using different desiccants on...
15th May 2024
Another fab day in cookery club this week. Fruit skewers and cups with lots of delicious...