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Clea Primary School, Keady


Welcome to Primary 3

Mrs Kelly is the Class Teacher and the Classroom Assistant working with the children will be Mrs Mone


A few details for P3/4

PE - The children will be having PE twice a week on Wednesday and Friday so please make sure your child always has their trainers on with plain navy bottoms.

Reading Books - Reading books will be sent home during the week with your child. Please refer to the Reading Record. You can help your child by reading every night with them.   Please sign their reading record as it is a way of communicating with yourselves about your child. Additional books are sent home for you to read and enjoy with your child. Children can also choose Library books during the week to take home. Bug club can be used also to support your child’s reading at home. 

Homework: Homework tasks will be sent home on a Monday and will be collected on a Friday. The format for homework is explained inside the child's homework book. Reading is in addition to written homework and skills activities may be set as homework tasks also. We encourage Mental Maths games and activities as part of homework tasks. 

Lexia/Mathletics: Children have been issued with user names and passwords for both Lexia and Mathletics.  We encourage children to access these at home if internet provision is available.  For those that don't have access, please let us know and we will try to get your child on during class. 

Topics for 2023/2024 are:



Thank you in advance for all of your support this coming year. We are looking forward to working with yourself and your child over the year!

Please contact us if you have any concerns.  Make sure you keep checking back on our class page or Facebook page  to see what exciting things we have been learning about.

Mrs Kelly



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