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Clea Primary School, Keady


Welcome and thank you for visiting our school website. We hope that as you browse through the site, you get a flavour of our school's history, ethos and achievements and feel the sense of the pride that is felt by all involved with.

Latest News

21st Jun 2024
Our Reception-P4 children have...
21st Jun 2024
Our Primary 7 pupils had a wonderful...
13th Jun 2024
Our P6/7 boys and girls were delighted...
13th Jun 2024
The first of our summer trips was...
8th Jun 2024
What a day in Clea Primary yesterday!...
7th Jun 2024
We welcomed some of our new entrants...
26th May 2024
Local Photographer Gillian...


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SVP Support

Do you need assistance? SVP is aware that due to the rise in the cost of living some families including those where parents are working may be experiencing significant financial difficulties. We want to let you know that we are here to try to assist you. Our service is strictly confidential and you can request support either by calling 02890351561 or going to


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