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Clea Primary School, Keady

News - Sports

13th Jun 2024
Our P6/7 boys and girls were delighted to give our new school sports kit a run out...

2022/2023 School Year

10th Jun 2023
What a fantastic day the boys and girls had yesterday for their annual sports day....
6th May 2023
Well done to our P5-7 footballers who took part in the Transition Cup in St. Patrick's...
6th May 2023
Congratulations to Joe and James who played during half-time at the Armagh v Cavan...
7th Nov 2022
We would like to thank all of the Clea Primary School community who very generously...

2021/2022 School Year

4th Jul 2022
Congratulations to our P7 boy Daithí O’Reilly who was chosen to play...
20th Jun 2022
Congratulations to our P4/5 boys and girls who had a fantastic day at the inter-school...
14th May 2022
Our KS2 boys and girls have been benefitting from a plethora of sporting opportunities...
17th Apr 2022
Well done to our boys and girls who were victorious in the Transition Cup Final....